
MSM, 5-31-18, Mark 4:30-41

Thanks for listening to “Mike & Steve in the Morning”

Today, our lesson was from Mark 4:30-41. Two things, a parable and a demonstration of power. First, the kingdom is compared to a mustard seed, starts tiny, grows large. Second, faith in the midst of storms. Our Master is master of the elements and any situation we face. Trust Him! As usual, we closed with a devo and prayer. Enjoy!

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Mon-Fri 8-9 am CT  Click for today’s program, 5-31-18 Mark 4:30-41

MSM, 5-30-18, Mark 4:21-29

Thanks for listening to “Mike & Steve in the Morning”

Today, our lesson was from Mark 4:21-29. Two short parables, one about light and one about growing things. The first reminds us that there is purpose in all that God does. The second reminds us that there is a lot He does that we don’t know about, but we still reap the rewards. As usual, we closed with a devo and prayer. Enjoy!

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Mon-Fri 8-9 am CT  Click for today’s program, 5-30-18 Mark 4:21-29

SGW, 5-30-18, Isaiah 48-49

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or

Today’s lesson is from Isaiah 48-49. These chapters are part of Isaiah’s prophecy for future captives to not forget that God is behind it all. They should maintain hope and look forward to God’s kept promise of restoration.  If you enjoy the lesson, tell others about our program and check out

Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks

M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click for today’s lesson: Isaiah 48-49

SGW, 5-28-18, 2 Thessalonians 2

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or

Tonight, we were in 2 Thessalonians 2. Here we find Paul returning to the theme of the 2nd coming of Jesus. Someone seems to be troubling them with false information. Paul warns of rebellion and a man of lawlessness that will precede Jesus’s return. They should remain true to the original message delivered by Paul. We hope you enjoy our lesson, but more, we hope it encourages you to live closer to our Savior! Check out!

Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks

M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click for today’s lesson: 2 Thessalonians 2

MSM, 5-29-18, Mark 4:1-20

Thanks for listening to “Mike & Steve in the Morning”

Today, our lesson was from Mark 4:1-20, the parable of the sower. A familiar story, reminds us of the necessity of planting God’s word, cultivating it and encouraging growth. It also reminds us to be aware of the things that prevent us from growing as we should! As usual, we closed with a devo and prayer. Enjoy!

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Mon-Fri 8-9 am CT  Click for today’s program, 5-29-18 Mark 4:1-20