MSM 9-11-19 9-11 Memories, reminders

Thanks for listening to “Mike & Steve in the Morning”

Today’s lesson was a special edition. As a day of remembrance for 9-11 and the events that took place, we also reminded ourselves of important ideals and memorials that we should remember! As usual, we closed with a devo and prayer. Enjoy!

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Mon-Fri 8-9 am CT  Click for today’s program, 9-11-19 9-11 Memories, Reminders

SGW 8-9-19 James 4:13-5:6 Right Thing, Plans

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or Today’s lesson is from James 4:13-5:6. Today we examined making a God a part of your planning and doing the right thing. If wealth is your goal, at the cost of others, you will be disappointed. If you enjoy the lesson, tell others about our program and check out Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click for today’s program, James 4:13-5:6

MSM 8-2-19 FFAF Family

Thanks for listening to “Mike & Steve in the Morning”

Today’s was a Free-for-All-Friday. Today we talked about God’s design for family from the Scriptures. Husband and wife, committed to each for life. Children raised in the context of a committed marriage. Anything else results in major problems! As usual, we closed with a devo and prayer. Enjoy!

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Mon-Fri 8-9 am CT  Click for today’s program, 8-2-19 FFAF Family

MSM 7-19-19 FFAF Various topics

Thanks for listening to “Mike & Steve in the Morning”

Today’s was a Free-for-All-Friday. Today we talked about various things in the news and introduced an idea to be explored later – is one sin worse than another? We will explore it at a future date. As usual, we closed with a devo and prayer. Enjoy!

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Mon-Fri 8-9 am CT  Click for today’s program, 7-19-19 FFAF Various topics

MSM 7-5-19 FFAF Study helps

Thanks for listening to “Mike & Steve in the Morning”

Today’s was a Free-for-All-Friday. After our regular visiting, we talked about some news items and then shared some study helps for new Christians and online Bible study. As usual, we closed with a devo and prayer. Enjoy!

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Mon-Fri 8-9 am CT  Click for today’s program, 7-5-19 FFAF Study helps