SGW 11-12-19 1 John 5, Matthew 13:1-23, Job 16-17, Joshua 24

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or Here are the links to my programs on Joshua, Job and Matthew and 1 John. If you enjoy the lesson, tell others about our program and check out Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click to listen to the recordings 1 John 5:1-12 Matthew 13:1-23 Job 16-17 Joshua 24 1 John 5:13-21

SGW 10-21-19 Matthew 12:15-32 Miracles, Blasphemy Against Holy Spirit

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or Tonight’s lesson is from is from Matthew 12:15-32. Jesus casts out a demon from a blind and dumb man. He warns against blaspheming the Holy Spirit. If you enjoy the lesson, tell others about our program and check out Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click for today’s program, Matthew 12:15-32

SGW 10-18-19 1 John 4:1-6 Test the spirits

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or Today’s lesson is from 1 John 4:1-6. John gives a litmus test for determining if a spirit is from God. They must confess that Jesus came in the flesh! If you enjoy the lesson, tell others about our program and check out Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click for today’s program, 1 John 4:1-6

SGW 9-30-19 Matthew 11:1-19 Jesus on John the Baptizer

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or Tonight’s lesson is from is from Matthew 11:1-19. John’s sends to Jesus, “Are you the Christ?” Jesus responds, “Consider the evidence!” If you enjoy the lesson, tell others about our program and check out Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click for today’s program, Matthew 11:1-19

SGW 9-23-19 Matthew 10:26-42 Enduring faith

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or Tonight’s lesson is from is from Matthew 10:26-42. Matthew tells of the 12 apostles and their limited commission. Jesus tells them to endure and follow his example. Reward is promised to those who obediently believe. If you enjoy the lesson, tell others about our program and check out Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click for today’s program, Matthew 10:26-42