
SGW 9-23-19 Matthew 10:26-42 Enduring faith

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or Tonight’s lesson is from is from Matthew 10:26-42. Matthew tells of the 12 apostles and their limited commission. Jesus tells them to endure and follow his example. Reward is promised to those who obediently believe. If you enjoy the lesson, tell others about our program and check out Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click for today’s program, Matthew 10:26-42

SGW 9-16-19 Matthew 10:1-25 The Twelve

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or Tonight’s lesson is from is from Matthew 10:1-25. Matthew tells of the 12 apostles and their limited commission. Jesus warns of persecution from their countrymen. If you enjoy the lesson, tell others about our program and check out Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click for today’s program, Matthew 10:1-25

MSM 5-10-19 FFAF Ramblings Christian Persecution

Thanks for listening to “Mike & Steve in the Morning”

Today was a Free-for-All-Friday. Today we talked about various things in the news. We spent more time on Christian persecution than anything. Hope you enjoy our program. As usual, we closed with a devo and prayer. Enjoy!

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Mon-Fri 8-9 am CT  Click for today’s program, 5-10-19 FFAF Ramblings

SGW, 11-30-18, Acts 9:1-31

Thanks for listening to “Searching God’s Word”  on  or

Today’s lesson is from is from Acts 9:1-31. This passage is Luke’s account of Saul’s conversion. There are some interesting insights to be gained! If you enjoy the lesson, tell others about our program and check out

Encourage others to LISTEN to “Searching God’s Word” w/ Steve Weeks

M 8 pm, M-W-F 9 am  Click for today’s program, Acts 9:1-31

MSM, 7-30-18, Mark 15:1-20

Thanks for listening to “Mike & Steve in the Morning”

Today, our lesson was from Mark 15:1-20. Here, we read of Jesus trial before Pilate. He was found with no fault, ridiculed, beaten and mocked. In spite of an offered substitute, he condemned to crucifixion. As usual, we closed with a devo and prayer. Enjoy!

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Mon-Fri 8-9 am CT  Click for today’s program, 7-30-18 Mark 15:1-20